In-Season Exercises for Football Match Day-2

Medium Sided Game 3+2x2+1+GK

Tactical Goals: Offensive and defensive principles in central corridor (superiority);
Physical Goals: Anaerobic system (i.e. high intensity speed);

External Load:

  • Acc. >2 m/s (n/min): 2.61
  • Dec. >2 m/s (n/min): 1.93
  • HSD (m/min): 10.77
  • Peak Speed (%): 86.8
  • Distance (m/min): 51.60

Internal Load:

  • RPE (au): 7.9
  • Peak HR (%): 87.8

Medium Sided Game 3+2x2+1+GK

Tactical Goals: Offensive and defensive principles in left/ right side corridor (superiority);
Physical Goals: Anaerobic system (i.e. high intensity speed);

External Load:

  • Acc. >2 m/s (n/min): 3.21
  • Dec. >2 m/s (n/min): 2.83
  • HSD (m/min): 7.72
  • Peak Speed (%): 84.3
  • Distance (m/min): 31.83

Internal Load:

  • RPE (au): 7.5
  • Peak HR (%): 78.2